A LEGACY of untold value has been left by spiritual and intellectual giants who
labored in the dim and misty past. It is the purpose of these lessons to transmit this
priceless heritage to the people of the present day, towhomnow rightfully it belongs.
We of the present have specialized in material science, and as a result of that
specialization have possessed ourselves of mechanical contrivances and an
industrial achievement far superior to those of any People in the past. Yet in that past
there were specialists also; the equal of any on earth today. But instead of devoting
their energies to material things, their field was that of spiritual research. And they
were as far in advance of our material scientists in their chosen field, as the material
scientists of today are in advance of their ancient knowledge of the physical
properties of things.
We are where we are today in matters of physical science because men of vast
understanding like Sir Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein have labored in research
and recorded their findings for other men to read. Were it not for the records left by
those of unusual ability, ours would be a sorry world of muddled thought.
Such records give not merely the details of information, to which other men left to
devices of their own might seldom attain, but by revealing the correct method of
ascertaining the fact they eliminate wasted effort on the part of those who otherwise
would follow many a blind trail before finding the one leading to it. Yet because these
men, who themselves have stood upon the intellectual shoulders of other geniuses
who preceded them, have left to us their findings, there is no implication of blind
Not only are their findings included in the records, but the experiments which led to
these findings also. And it was understood by them, and is so understood by us, that
all and sundry are to have full liberty to repeat these experiments, or if they can, to
devise better experiments of their own, to test the accuracy of this recorded
Likewise, far in the past other men of exceptional talent, generation after generation,
labored under conditions of exceptional advantage to acquire a knowledge, not of the
chemical and mechanical properties of matter, but of the nature and possibilities,
here and hereafter, of the human soul.
To them, that which was of supreme interest was the character of man. Other
knowledge was valuable only to the extent it could be made to contribute some thing
which would enable the soul to reach a higher, fuller destiny.
These men also, standing on the shoulders of other inspired geniuses who preceded
them, acquired vast knowledge in their chosen field, and of this knowledge they left a
careful record.
In here setting forth this record, and something of the methods they employed in
reaching these facts, there is no implication that anyone should accept their findings
in the spirit of blind belief. No more so than that he should thus accept the findings of
our chemists that each molecule of water contains one atom of oxygen and two atoms
of hydrogen.
It would require more than one lifetime to perform every experiment recorded in the
chemical treatise to be found in our libraries. Nevertheless, they have been
performed by others, and anyone is at liberty to perform such of them as he chooses,
again and again to his own satisfaction.
The laboratory of Nature is always open. Whether it be a problem in Euclid, the law
of falling bodies, the influence of the planets on human life, or the survival of the
personality in the spheres of the beyond, he who is willing to perform the requisite
amount of labor need take no statement of fact on faith. Nor was it the desire of the
ancient masters of spiritual science that he should do so.
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CemeterySpot, Inc.
Contact: Hal Stevens, President
Telephone (Cell): 405-210-4363
Email: hal@cemeteryspot.com
CemeterySpot.com Offers No Cost Online Memorials To Families Of Freemasons (Masons)
A Goal of Our Online Memorial Website is to Compliment The Masonic Funeral by Giving Family Members of Deceased Freemasons The Ability to Share Their Lives, And Their Fraternity, Worldwide.
CemeterySpot.com (http://www.cemeteryspot.com) has just begun offering family members of deceased Freemasons a no cost, high quality, full featured, online memorial in honor of their dearly departed Freemason. By allowing CemeterySpot.com to host their online memorial FREE for 1 year it is our hope to show the world that Freemasonry really does take good men and make them better.
“Masonry is a very misunderstood fraternal organization. It is perceived from very contradictory perspectives. For example, it is called a secret society, yet everyone knows about it; it is accused of having a hidden agenda to take over the world, yet it promotes freedom of speech, free public education and free elections; it is accused of being evil, yet its various Masonic components donate millions of dollars each year to charities that help people who don’t even understand or agree with Masonry. It is in honor of these Masonic charitable activities that we make this offer” said Hal Stevens, President.
CemeterySpot.com wants its online memorial website to have memorials in honor of as many Freemasons as possible, and from every country, and in every language. CemeterySpot.com wants to show that Freemasons from all over the world are loving, caring people who positively impact their family, community and nation. And, we want to enable the surviving families of these men to use technology as a help in the memorial and grief support process.
For anyone who would like to participate in this program please email, Hal Stevens, at hal@cemeteryspot.com. You will need to have a letter signed by the Worshipful Master of the Lodge he last attended stating that he was a member in good standing of that Lodge. The letter can be emailed or sent by the Postal Service. And, we ask that the memorial be uploaded within 30 days of approval.
CemeterySpot.com (http://www.cemeteryspot.com) has features that include a choice of virtual grave monument, cremation urn or mausoleum in various styles, textures and colors. On a CemeterySpot.com memorial the user can also include an audio or video eulogy and GPS location of the deceased. There is a choice of scenic locations, or, just upload one from another source. A photo of the actual grave site, urn or mausoleum of the deceased can also be uploaded. And the Masonic square ad compass is available to upload to each memorial.
In addition, each CemeterySpot.com memorial includes a high quality user-friendly framework with About Me, photo Gallery, Tributes, Legacy and Guest Book pages.
Visitors to a CemeterySpot.com memorial “Spot” can leave OnSite Memorial Gifts that reside on the memorial grave, urn or mausoleum site. These include a good choice of virtual items that are similar to what someone would leave when visiting a cemetery or place of memorial. They include flowers, various ribbons, an angel, and more.
With all of the features, advantages and benefits available on CemeterySpot.com it is redefining what an online memorial website community should be.
For more information about CemeterySpot.com (http://www.cemeteryspot.com) please call Hal Stevens at 405-210-4363, or email Hal at hal@cemeteryspot.com.
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